Kora Fitness Gear Review!
Hey, everyone! In today’s post, I am reviewing this beautiful athletic outfit by Kora Fitness. Keep reading if you love discovering new fitness gear companies. :)

First Spring Purchase-This Gorgeous Red Dress
If you follow me on Instagram, you probably noticed that I have been posting a lot of red colours , including photos of me in this beautiful red dress from Zara. :) So today, I am sharing photos from this romantic photo shoot near the ocean.

From Autumn to Winter: Warm and Earthy!
I have had this skirt for years, and I never really knew what to wear it with until I got some inspiration from Pinterest on how to combine brown/nude accents with other colors.

Ruffles Again: Check out This Beautiful Blue Top!
Hello, everyone! I know, I know... Last week, I shared a dress that had ruffles on it and today, I am sharing an outfit where the main piece is this adorable blue top with ruffles on the bottom.