My Current Obsession: Oversized Houndtooth Blazer!

Hi, everyone! Have you also been obsessed with oversized houndtooth blazers lately? I certainly have, and I feel like it is such an great staple piece to have in your closet. Keep reading to see the details of this stylish look!
I had my staycation a week ago, and I feel so rested and relaxed, but I kind of wish I had another week off. Haha! I did so many self-care practices last week, and I am so proud of myself for being super consistent with working out. I started feeling like myself again instead of constantly feeling like a stressed human being. I want to promise to myself that I will continue practicing self-care frequently even though my vacation is over. What is your favourite thing to do for self-care?
I recently bought these green pants at Target, and I feel like I have been wearing them so much with so many different looks. They are very comfortable, and more importantly, my butt feels and looks good in them. Haha! Look at how cute the pockets are in the front? They have zippers! Looooveee! I paired these pants with similar shade turtleneck that I purchased at Marshall’s a few weeks ago. I put on these classic black heels to make the look more elegant. I finished the outfit with my favourite jacket! I felt super stylish when I wore this look. :)
What do you guys think of this look? Share in the comments. :)