My Top 4 Apps for Meditation and Yoga!

Good morning, everyone! I am excited to start this new week, and I hope you are too! I still have these moments where I find myself hating Mondays, but then I realize that I am a step closer to my goals, which makes any Monday 100 times better!
One of my main goals this year is to be healthier and stronger than ever before! If you follow me on Instagram, I often share my beginner yoga flows. I have been obsessing with yoga and meditation because they are two amazing ways of taking care of my body and mind. To be completely honest, I began practicing yoga a few months ago because I really wanted to be able to go upside down and do a handstand. I mean, doing a split while standing peacefully upside down is freaking awesome, right?! Even though this is still one of my goals regarding yoga, I do enjoy learning how to be in control of my breathing, as well as how to move my body with awareness and control. Deep breathing is one of the easiest ways that can help your body calm itself down. It's crazy to think how unaware we are sometimes of our breathing when we try to manage stressful situations.
Quick update: I already can do headstands, like whaaaat! Super proud of myself! :)
Anyway, I can keep talking about the benefits of yoga and meditation, but I think I am going to skip this talk in today's post, and just jump to the top 4 phone apps for meditation and yoga that I personally use almost every day!
The first app that I want to talk about is called Calm. I discovered this app after purchasing a book that is also called Calm. The book is incredible because it provides simple tools to manage stress and find peace. It has exercises that you can do at any time that will help you focus on more joyful things. I highly recommend it!
So let's go back to talking about the app... It contains guided meditations, music tracks for relaxation and sleep, mindfulness masterclasses, and sleep stories. When I have trouble falling asleep, I turn on a sleep story, which is narrated by amazing storytellers with hypnotizing voices. I never remember the ending of the story because I fall asleep so fast!
Some of the features of this app are free, but if you want to unlock everything that it has to offer, you do have to pay. I use the free version for now. There are three subscription options. You can pay $14.99 monthly, or you can pay $4.99 a month, but it is billed yearly. If you want a lifetime subscription, you pay $299.99 once. I would recommend that you try this app for free at first. There are many meditations, music tracks, and sleep stories that are free! See if those work for you first! I have been using this app for at least a year now, and I have been loving it!
The second app is Daily Yoga. I recently discovered this app, and I have been using it almost every time I practice yoga. When you open the app, you sign up, and then you get a chance to create your own yoga plan! You choose if you are a beginner, intermediate, or advanced at yoga, and then you pick a plan and exercises that work for you.
I am still in the beginner phase, so I am currently doing a 12 Day Yoga Foundations program and learning different sun salutations as well. Another cool thing about this app is that you get to earn coins, which you can then use toward purchasing other programs. So this app has some free programs, but if you want to learn more complex stuff, you have to Go Pro, and pay either $3.33 a month or make one payment of $399 (lifetime access).
I think that paying less than 4 bucks for this app is totally worth it! It is my plan to sign up for a Go Pro subscription after I finish my free programs. Two more awesome things about this app are that it has music tracks that are perfect for yoga, and it is kind of like Instagram but only for the yoga community. So you can share your progress, stories, or just interact with others who love yoga!
The third cool app is called Headspace. I still have been getting acquainted with this app, but so far, I love it! It is kind of like a mindfulness coach that teaches you to meditate. The app has a huge number of guided meditations. Another cool thing is that it has a section for kids that can guide kiddos to a better sleep, to focus better, to become calmer, etc. Unfortunately, you do have to subscribe and either pay $12.99 per month, or pay an annual fee of $7.99 per month. I've only been using free features, but I read many reviews, and most people do not regret subscribing to this app!
The fourth app that I am going to recommend to you is called Track Yoga. This app teaches you how to do yoga! It has a variety of yoga classes that you can take at any time! You will have a personal yoga teacher who guides you through the poses both visually and verbally. It is like you are watching one of those Yoga DVD's but on your phone. LOL! I love this app because it has a long list of yoga poses, and once you master each pose, it goes to your accomplished list in your profile. Just like any other app, it has paid features, which include being able to access all classes and programs, connecting with your personal teacher, and getting a lifetime support. There are two payment options, which are $2.99 a month, or $19.99 a year! Not bad at all, and so worth it!
All right, this is it for today's post! I hope you found it helpful! Let me know if you use any of these apps, and your thoughts about them. Also, please share any other meditation and yoga apps in the comments! :)
P.S.: Below are some cute yoga clothes that are less than $50! My best motivation to work out is definitely a new fitness gear!