What is It Like to Be a Blogger?

It has been almost a year since I started blogging, so today, I wanted to share my blogging experience with all of you. So, let's start from the beginning...
Why did I decide to become a blogger in the first place?
Well, the #1 reason was to become a better writer, and have more freedom when it came to the content I wanted to create. While being in school for 6 years before I became a blogger, my writing was always controlled by somebody else, such as professors. I hated writing lab reports, review papers, and so on, because I could not express myself as a writer. Instead, I was told the way I was supposed to write. Being a blogger has definitely given me an opportunity to be more creative, and write the way I want to write, which is amazing.
Another reason for creating this blog is becoming a part of this huge blogging community. I honestly did not know that there were so many bloggers in the world before publishing my first post! I am able to get inspiration from those who are already successful in this field. Being inspired doesn't mean stealing others' content! It means that whenever I see somebody publishing great articles, or having a great looking blog, it makes me want to be better at what I am doing! And of course, being able to share my own style, and my experience with you is another reason for this blog's existence.
The Struggle is Real!
This experience has been very fun, but I want to also talk about how hard it is sometimes to be a blogger. It isn't everyday that i feel inspired to create new content. The first few months, it had been difficult at times to find the motivation to sit down and write. At first, I was also struggling to find my niche, which is very important for bloggers. If you have seen my first posts, most of them were about my everyday life.
At that time, my blog served me as a diary, which I don't think is necessarily a bad thing. However, I found out that to be primarily a lifestyle blogger, you either have to write in a way that nobody else does, or your life pretty much has to consist of traveling and amazing experiences. Being a celebrity also helps attract new readers. Otherwise, nobody will actually care about what you write. That is a sad but honest truth!
I learned that if I wanted others to read my blog, I needed to provide them with information that would be useful to them. For example, I started publishing fashion posts, which hopefully inspire those who visit my blog to be creative with their looks. I published posts about exercising, advice posts on different topics, etc. These kinds of posts actually do help a reader in some way. Now, it is very important for me that you leave this blog with some kind of knowledge, rather than an idea that my life looks better than yours.
Now can we talk about finding time for blogging while working a different job full time? Ugh... This is the reason why I was not able to be consistent with publishing content for the past year. However, I have learned that if I wanted to become a successful blogger, I needed to change priorities in my life. No more watching my favourite TV shows while being on break, or after coming home from work. I decided that that time should be spent on something that really matters to me! Guys, I haven't watched TV in a week! Whaaaat! That has never happened before haha. I am such a TV show addict. If I find an amazing show, I won't stop until I finish it, and everything else doesn't matter. Now, my priorities are different. I do want to be a successful blogger, I do want to make even the slightest difference in somebody's life with the help of my blog, and of course it would be amazing to make new friends while being a part of the blogging community. :)
So here are a few important points that all bloggers should know:
1) Find your niche ASAP! Fashion, lifestyle, food, exercise... Whatever your heart desires! Pick one, and make it work.
2) Be useful to your readers! Teach them something that you are an expert at.
3) Be consistent with publishing your content so your readers know when to expect new posts from you.
4) Promotion is very important! Use social media to your advantage, and promote your content.
For those of you who are thinking of become a blogger, but still haven't started because of whatever reason, all you need to do is just start this journey already! Creating a website is honestly not that hard. There is so much information about it everywhere online! Once you have begin working on your blog, and if this becomes a passion for you, you will never regret the decision to become a blogger! This is an amazing way to express yourself in ways that you can't at school or your job. I promise, you will have fun doing this!
If any blogger wants to share their experience, feel free to leave me a comment! Thank you for stopping by, and I will see you in my next post! :)