What Has Been Happening?!

Hello everyone!
I feel like I haven't written anything for months, and it sucks! In this post, I just want to share what has been happening in my life for the past four weeks. BTW thank you so much for checking my website often, despite my rare posts recently. I feel great that you have not forgotten about me! :)
So, four weeks ago I started graduate school. I am studying to become a mental health counselor, and will eventually receive my doctorate in clinical counseling. Honestly, the amount of time and money that goes into postsecondary education is absolutely crazy. I wish our education was at least less expensive. Are you with me on this?
Anyway... my plan was to start grad school, and figure out how to balance being a full time student, a part time employee, an intern, and a blogger. I still have not found a way to do all those things without giving something up. Let me tell you this, grad school is so much harder than undergrad. The amount of reading that I have to do every single week is insane. This is the number one reason why I haven't been able to dedicate a lot of time to blogging. I miss it so much though!
Grad school has taken over my life completely. Schoolwork is all I do everyday haha. I keep reminding myself that it will be worth it in the future. My goal in the next couple of weeks is to determine how I can work on my blog more often. I am going to attempt to blog three times a week like I did before. This blog is very important to me. It is not only a creative outlet, but also a way to communicate with all of you, which I think is one of the best parts of being a blogger.
If you have any ideas on how I can accomplish my goal, please let me know in the comments. Those of you who started school a few weeks ago, how has that been going for you? Have you completely lost your social life like I did, or are you still able to see your friends and do fun things? I would love to know about your experiences. :)
Now, let's talk about something super exciting. I am going to be doing a GIVEAWAY next week! I have been blogging for over a year now, and to celebrate my anniversary, I want to do something sweet for my readers. I will be giving away a few beauty products, mainly makeup. So, those of you who are makeup obsessed like I am, keep an eye on my blog and Instagram (@lifeofardor) for an update!
I hope you are having an amazing week! Thank you for stopping by my blog, and I will see you in my next post!