Valentine's Day Gift Guide for Your SO

Valentine's Day is this Sunday! Are you done gift shopping for your significant other? If not, take a look at 8 ideas that I came up with. These are last minute ideas that either do not cost anything or cost very little to make. I hope these give you some inspiration to create the best V-Day gift ever! :)
1) DIY reasons why you love them.
Last year, I created this awesome gift for Jude. I made 90 little notes of the reasons why I love him. The box that I used was a container from a salad haha. Of course, I cleaned it, and put stickers on it, and this big sign that says 90 reasons why I love you. (Mine are in Russian btw). Put glitter on it, stickers, or whatever you come up with. It is such an amazing gift. Your loved one will appreciate that you took time to think about the reasons why you love them. They can always go back to this box, and read these cute notes.
2) Certificate for massage, or anything else you think they would love.
I made a certificate for massage for Jude. This is such an easy gift to make. You pretty much need a piece of paper, stickers (if you'd like), and your dedication to actually carry out whatever it is they got a certificate for. :)
3) Take your SO to a meaningful place.
Take them to a place where you had your first date, or your first kiss, or to any meaningful place that both of you would love to revisit. This will put both of your in a very romantic mood.
4) Collage of pictures in a frame.
Put a bunch of your pictures together in one awesome collage. If you want to purchase a collage frame, there are a bunch of them available at stores like Marshall's, Target, Walmart, etc. They are not expensive so YAY. This is a great gift, which will always remind them about you.
5) Another collage in which your friends can participate.
So a few years ago, I decided to make this cute collage for Jude. Sorry for the picture quality; my camera wasn't that good back then. You will need a camera (you can just use your phone), your friends, and you will need to come up with a cute message for your SO. Write the message on a few small posters. Hand them to your friends, and have fun taking pictures. Then just print them out, make a collage, and here you have an awesome, romantic gift for your loved one.
6) Special dinner.
Prepare a dinner with candles, wine (or any preferred beverage), and romantic music. Show your attention and love by this simple move. Even if you aren't a good cook, they'll appreciate the thought and effort. :)
7) Cute love notes.
Write little love notes, and leave them in your SO's car, pockets, bag, lunch box, or wherever you want. Finding these notes will definitely make them smile and think of you throughout the whole day.
8) What's his hobby? Participate with him.
Does your loved one like ice skating, playing soccer, etc. Take them to a place where both of you can participate in his favourite hobby. This will make them understand how much you appreciate and care about their own wishes.
Thank you so much for reading. Have an amazing Valentine's Day, even if you are single. Just make this day feel special no matter what! :)