Simple Way to Brighten a Cloudy Day at the Beach!

Happy Thursday, everyone! Today, I am sharing this simple but cute look that is a perfect way to brighten any cloudy day - even at the beach! I love these blue and green pants with a pretty cool pattern. It kind of looks like palm trees, and if you are one of my regular readers, you must know how much I love palm trees.
I styled these pants with a simple white T and a denim jacket. At first, I thought it was maybe too much blue color in this look, but then I craved more bright colours that day. As you can tell, it was very cloudy and even rained later that day. Sometimes, this type of weather is perfect to stay at home and binge watch movies. But that day, I did not want my mood and productivity to depend on the weather, and the colours in my look helped a lot!
What do you usually do to brighten your day? Let me know your thoughts on this look, too! :)
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Check out another way to style this denim jacket HERE!