Pink Blouse and Strappy Sandals

The struggle was real to get these photos done! Haha! I had a few looks planned to shoot on this day, but that did not happen because New England weather sucks! Jude and I decided to drive to a garage in Somerville while it was pouring rain, and attempt to take some photos. That is the life of a blogger, y'all!
I feel like I should find an indoor spot where to shoot photos in case Boston decides that an outdoor photoshoot won't happen. I do like outdoor photos more, which is why most of my images are shot outside. If any bloggers are reading this post, what do you usually do when the weather sucks? Do you do indoor shots, or simply skip the photoshoot entirely?
So let's talk about this look. It is super simple, but the heels and blouse definitely steal the show. I bought this blouse to wear to work, but today, I styled it as a more relaxed look. These Zara heels are still my favourite. I wore them in a few posts in the past. Check out the looks I styled them with HERE and HERE!
I love wearing fancy clothes. Nevertheless, simple jeans, shirt, and heels will always be my go-to look. What is your favourite look to rock? Let me know in the comments! :)
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