How to Not Let Winter Dictate Your Outfits (or Mood)
A fashion blogger wearing a yellow sweater, black jeans, thigh high boots, and gray coat.

Hello, everyone! It is Fashion Post Monday! I decided to make it a real thing since I always publish fashion posts on this day of the week. Today, I want to share a cute autumn look, as well as my thoughts on why it is so important to not let the gloomy winter weather dictate what colours we wear during this season!

A close up of a fall outfit: gray coat, black hat, yellow sweater, black jeans, black thigh high boots, and black purse.
life of ardor in gray coat 7

It is so fascinating how weather changes affect our moods, the colours we decide to wear in our clothing, how much work we get done, and many other things. I always get so unmotivated during the winter season, which is one of the reasons why I do not like this season. I find myself wanting to stay home most days, lying on the couch under a huge cozy blanket, and doing absolutely nothing productive. I mean everyone needs days like these once in a while!

One thing that bothers me the most is that during the winter season, I sleep in so late every weekend that it almost feels like a waste of two days. Some may think that I am going through a seasonal depression, but that mental state has a number of many more serious symptoms than what I've experienced.

A fashion blogger standing in front of the pond, wearing an autumn cozy look.
A beauty blogger with curly hair wearing a fall look : black hat, gray coat, black jeans, boots, and bag.

I want to share how I deal with my lack of motivation! The first thing that helps me get out of bed and do stuff is music! Lately, I have been listening to reggaeton a lot, and I found that this music always gets me in the right mood to work, cook, do laundry, or whatever else I need to do. Music is one of those free ways that you can change your mood in seconds! What is your favourite type of music to listen to when you are unmotivated?

Fall outfit inspiration 2017: black Jennifer Lopez jeans, yellow knitted sweater, thigh high boots, gray woolen sweater, black hat, and a black bag.
A blogger is posing in the park, wearing an warm and comfy outfit.

The next thing that helps me with seasonal mood swings is the clothes I choose to wear - especially the colours! I absolutely love black and gray colours in clothing! Black is one of my favourite colours, and I would totally wear it every single day. However, I found that in the winter, when I wear dark colours, I tend to feel all dark and gloomy myself. So even though I still wear black and gray in the winter, I try to wear another colour in combination with black. Here, I wore this cute yellow sweater, which made me feel cute and flirty! Colours that we wear affect our mood! For some, dark colours may be calm and grounding, but for others (me included) they can have an opposite effect sometimes. BTW, if you are interested in learning a bit more about colour psychology, here is an interesting article to check out! 

A fashion blogger looking at the pond, wearing black jeans, gray coat, black hat, and thigh high boots.
An example of a fall outfit: gray coat, yellow sweater, black jeans and boots and hat.

How do you deal with unmotivated days? Also, let me know what you think of this look! Some of the pieces have been in my closet forever, so I am sharing similar items below! Happy Monday, and stay motivated! :)