My Top DIY Halloween Costumes

Hi everyone!
I am so excited for Halloween! It is one of the best holidays of the year, when you can show off your creative skills, and become any character you want. I remember about four years ago, I bought a sexy cop costume at a Halloween costume store. I was so thrilled to wear it that evening! However, when I saw a couple of other girls wearing the same costume, I was not so happy anymore. This is why I think it is much easier and more exciting to make your own costume, because it will be unique, and it will be you! So... If you are just like me, and do not have a costume yet, I came up with my top DIY costumes. The main focus of these costumes is beautiful lingerie by Adore Me. I hope these looks help you get your imagination going. :)
1) Vampiress
For this look, I found this beautiful corset called Heidi, which will make you feel as feminine and sexy as Kate Beckinsale in Underworld! It definitely would be the main piece of the whole costume. I think it would look great with leather pants, which I am sure many of you already have in your closet. These thigh high boots will make this look even more dramatic, and help you kick some werewolf ass! I would also add this black choker necklace, which will not only make your neck look amazing, but also make your top stand out even more. This black bracelet is a great accessory for this costume as well. For this look, a great outfit is as important as the actual vampire makeup. If you guys want to get inspired, check out YouTube makeup tutorials of Halloween vampire looks. Dark red lipstick is a must, and don't forget about fangs. :)
...he desires the one thing he cannot have!
2) Daenerys Targaryen
This is one of my favorite characters on TV right now! She is such an icon of what a strong feminine person stands for. Last year, I saw a lot of girls dressing up like Khaleesi, and there is no doubt that this Halloween, it will still be a popular costume. To stand out as the true Mother of Dragons, I picked this light blue Claudette Bra. If you have a maxi skirt that matches this colour in your closet, it's time to put it to good use, or you can always find this type of skirt online. This bra and a skirt make such a dazzling combination. These gladiator high heels add so much Khaleesi character to it! Don't forget to add some stunning accessories like this shoulder necklace, dragoon brooch, and a bracelet. Oh, and a platinum blonde wig is a necessity if you really want to look like Daenerys.
Valar Morghulis!
3) Snow White
Want to make Prince Charming drool? It's easy with this DIY costume. You just need a beautiful top like this blue Macie bra, a yellow maxi skirt, red high heels, a red bow to put in your hair, and an apple. Such a simple, elegant, yet sexy costume will definitely make you the fairest of them all!
Heigh-Ho! It's off to party we go!
4) Mermaid
What's more fun than a sexy adventure under the sea? For my mermaid costume, this Bettina Push-Up bra is a perfect top. Take it from me, you don't even need to put anything extra on this bra because it already comes with a pretty design. However, if you are feeling inspired to make this top even more mermaid-looking, you can sew on pearls, or use glue to add small seashells, or any other sea accessories you can find. The green skirt is pretty easy to find online, or you can buy fabric and green tulle, and with the help of tutorials, design your own mermaid tail. A pearl necklace and this gorgeous ring are beautiful accessories to this look.
You've gotta kiss the girl!
Which of these DIY costumes is your favorite? Also, who are you planning to be this Halloween?